癌变·畸变·突变 ›› 2000, Vol. 12 ›› Issue (1): 23-027.doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1004-616x.2000.01.007

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  1. 江苏省卫生防疫站,江苏南京 210009
  • 收稿日期:1998-11-22 修回日期:1999-04-23 出版日期:2000-01-30 发布日期:2000-01-30


WU Jin-long , WANG Li-yun   

  1. Jiangsu Provincial Anti-epidemic and Hygienic Station, Nanjing  210009, China
  • Received:1998-11-22 Revised:1999-04-23 Online:2000-01-30 Published:2000-01-30

摘要: 目的:研究全蝎乙醇提取物是否具有抗突变效应。方法:本文利用沙门氏菌/ 微粒体致突变性试验,对全蝎和几味中药的乙醇粗提取物(简称全蝎乙醇提取物,SEE) 的抗突变作用作了研究。结果:剂量在25 - 100μl/ 皿时,SEE 对终致突变物敌克松(Dexon) 诱发的TA98 回复突变无明显影响;对终致突变物叠氮钠(NaN3) 诱发的TA100 回复突变也无明显影响。但在同样剂量下,SEE 能明显抑制间接致突变物2 - 氨基芴(2 - AF) 诱发的TA98 回复突变。SEE 剂量为25μl/ 皿、50μl/ 皿和100μl/ 皿,2 - AF 为15μg/ 皿时,TA98 的相对回复突变菌落数分别为1985 ±483 、1232 ±176 和792 ±170 ,与阳性对照组值3182 ±784 相比,分别具有显著( P < 0105) 和极显著( P < 0101) 差异;相对回复突变菌落数的抑制率分别为38. 06 %、61. 90 %和75111 %。显而易见,抑制率的增高取决于SEE 的剂量。结论:这些结果表明SEE 很可能是一种2 - AF 的抑制剂。SEE 对2 - AF 的抗突变作用,可能主要归咎于对S9 混合物的影响。

关键词: 全蝎乙醇提取物, 抗突变性, 沙门氏菌/ 微粒体致突变性试验, 2 - 氨基芴

Abstract: Purpose and Methods : Antimutagenicity of ethanol ext ract of scorpion and some Chinese medicinal herbs (SEE) was investigated using a S almonella typhimurium/ mammalian microsome assay in the paper. Results :At 25 - 100μl/ plate , SEE had no effect on TA98 revertant s induced by the utimate mutagen , Dexon and neither on TA100 revertant s by the ultimate mutagen , sodium azide (NaN3 ) . But the revertant s of TA98 induced by promutagen , 2 - aminofluorence (2 - AF) was significantly inhibited by SEE at same dosage. The relative revertant s of TA98 were 1985 ±483 、1232 ±176 and 792 ±170 respectively at 25μl/ plate , 50μl/ plate and 100μl/ plate of SEE with 15μg/ plate of 2 - AF. In comparasion with positive cont rol (3182 ±784) , the relative revertant s at 25μl/ plate 、50μl/ plate and 100μl/ plate had significant and very significant statistical difference ( P< 0. 05 and P < 0. 01) and the inhibitory percentages of the relative revertant s were 38. 06 % , 61. 90 % and 75.11 % respectively. It was obvious that the increase of inhibitory percentages deponded upon the dose of SEE.Conclusion : These result s indicated that SEE was a possible inhibitor of 2 - AF. Antimutagenicity of SEE toward 2 - AF could be att ributed primarily to the effect of SEE on S9 mixture.

Key words: ethanol ext ract of scorpion, antimutagenicity, 2 - aminofluorence, Salmonella typhimurium/ mammalian microsome assay
