癌变·畸变·突变 ›› 2010, Vol. 22 ›› Issue (1): 43-0047.doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1004-616x.2010.01.011

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  1. 兰州大学第一医院生殖医学研究中心, 甘肃 兰州 730000
  • 收稿日期:2009-05-04 修回日期:2009-07-12 出版日期:2010-01-30 发布日期:2010-01-30
  • 通讯作者: 张学红

Zona-free hamster oocyte sperm pentration assay and DNA integrity monitoring in IVF-ET

WANG-li; ZHANG Xue-hong; LIU Jin-rong   

  1. Reproductive Medical Research Center,The First Hospital of Lanzhou University,Lanzhou 730000, Gansu, China
  • Received:2009-05-04 Revised:2009-07-12 Online:2010-01-30 Published:2010-01-30
  • Contact: ZHANG Xue-hong

摘要: 目的: 探讨人精子穿去透明带金黄地鼠卵实验(SPA)和精子DNA完整性检测在体外受精-胚胎移植术(IVF-ET)助孕中的应用价值。 方法: 选择兰州大学第一医院生殖医学研究中心,行IVF-ET助孕的不孕不育夫妇中的41名男性,根据不孕不育原因分为完全男方因素引起的不孕不育组(n=20)和完全女方因素引起的不孕不育组(n=21),比较分析两组男方年龄、穿透率、受精指数、IVF受精率、DNA碎片率、卵裂率、优质胚胎率、胚胎着床率及临床妊娠率的差别。 结果: 完全男方因素引起的不孕不育组和完全女方因素引起的不孕不育组之间,在男方年龄、IVF受精率、卵裂率、胚胎着床率、临床妊娠率等方面的差异均无统计学意义(P均>0.05),在穿透率、受精指数、DNA碎片率方面的差异均具有统计学意义(P<0.05);前者的SPA穿透率与IVF受精率、卵裂率和优质胚胎率之间均存在显著正相关(r=0.908,0.55,0.852,P均<0.05),DNA碎片率与IVF受精率和优质胚胎率均存在显著负相关(r=-0.636,-0.634,P均<0.05);后者SPA穿透率与IVF受精率、卵裂率和优质胚胎率之间均存在显著正相关(r=0.893,0.53,0.626,P均<0.05),DNA碎片率与IVF受精率和优质胚胎率之间均存在显著负相关(r=-0.636,-0.634,P均<0.05)。 结论: SPA和精子DNA完整性检测在辅助生殖技术中可能具有一定的应用价值。

关键词: 辅助生殖技术, 精液, 人精子穿去透明带金黄地鼠卵实验, 精子DNA, 体外受精-胚胎移植

Abstract: OBJECTIVE: To explore the value of Zona-free Hamster Oocyte Sperm Penetration Assay (SPA) and DNA integrity monitoring in in vitro fertilization-embryo transfer (IVF-ET). METHODS: 41 men from infertile couples opting for IVF-ET were divided into two groups of pure male sterility or female infertility depending on the cause of infertility.They were assessed by comparing male ages,fertility index,rates of penetration,DNA fragmentation,IVF fertility, ovum cleavage,good quality embryo,implantation and clinical pregnancy. RESULTS: Two groups showed significant differences in penetration rates,fertility index,DNA fragment rates(P<0.05),but no differences in male ages,the rates of IVF fertility, ovum cleavage,good quality embryo, implantation and clinical pregnancy(P>0.05). In groups of male sterility and female infertility,obvious correlations were observed in penetration rates with the rates of IVF fertility,ovum cleavage and good quality embryo,and DNA fragment rates with the rates of IVF fertility, ovum cleavage and good quality embryo, respectively(P<0.05). CONCLUSION: SPA and DNA fragmentation monitoring may be valuable in assisted reproductive technology.

Key words: assisted reproductive technology, semen, zona-free hamster oocyte sperm penetration assay, sperm DNA, in vitro fertilization-embryo transfer
